Lawyer Life Experiment
Lawyer Life Experiment
#26 The Joys of Conflict
In this episode, Frieda and Anya explore the often-overlooked benefits of conflict. While most people view conflict as something negative to be avoided, we argue (no pun intended!) that conflict can be a powerful tool for positive change and improving relationships. Join us as we delve into how conflict can help us better understand ourselves and others, build stronger relationships, and improve workplace dynamics.
We would love to hear your thoughts. Please get in touch with Frieda at <frieda@bravingboundaries.com> and Anya at <anya@anyasmirnova.com>.
Please rate, review and subscribe.
(Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)
We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at <frieda@bravingboundaries.com> and <anya@anyasmirnova.com>.
Please rate, review and subscribe.
(Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)